Gliding to Glory: A Roundup of the Best Speed Skating Movies for Kids

February 28, 2024

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X Great Sports Movies for Kids to Inspire Team Spirit and Determination

As parents, coaches, and mentors, we understand the importance of instilling a sense of teamwork, determination, and the joy of sports in our children. Movies have the power to engage, inspire, and teach valuable life lessons through compelling storytelling and captivating characters. Here's a roundup of 'X' great sports movies that will have your kids cheering from the sidelines while learning about perseverance, the spirit of competition, and the value of hard work.

1. The Mighty Ducks (1992)

The Mighty Ducks is an all-time classic that tells the story of a misfit hockey team that, with the help of a reluctant coach, finds their stride both on and off the ice. It's an inspiring tale of redemption and teamwork that will have kids believing in the power of believing in oneself and the people around them. The film also teaches valuable lessons about sportsmanship and integrity.

2. Cool Runnings (1993)

Based on a true story, Cool Runnings is a heartwarming tale that follows the journey of the Jamaican bobsleigh team's unlikely path to the Winter Olympics. Brimming with humor and feel-good moments, it's a film that showcases the importance of never giving up on your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem. It also highlights the value of team unity and perseverance.

3. Air Bud (1997)

A lovable and talented dog named Buddy finds his place on a basketball team, teaching kids that sometimes help and friendship come from the most unexpected places. Air Bud is a fun and entertaining movie that emphasizes the themes of loyalty and the beauty of including others, despite their differences.

4. Space Jam (1996)

When Looney Tunes characters team up with basketball legend Michael Jordan to challenge a group of intergalactic invaders to a game of hoops, hilarity ensues. Space Jam is an iconic '90s film that combines live-action and animation, encouraging kids to reach for the stars and to find the hero within themselves while working as a part of a team.

5. Remember the Titans (2000)

Remember the Titans tackles the serious issue of racial integration in a Virginia high school football team during the early 1970s. This powerful movie teaches children about acceptance, the strength found in diversity, and the impact of transformative leadership. The film is a great conversation starter for families on the topics of racism, equality, and justice.

Gliding to Glory: A Roundup of the Best Speed Skating Movies for Kids

While there may not be a plethora of films dedicated to the sport of speed skating, its thrills and high-speed excitement make it a wonderful backdrop for family-friendly movies.

6. Miracle (2004)

Though not about speed skating, Miracle captures the true story of the US men's hockey team's victory during the Winter Olympics. It’s a film that includes ice-skating scenes with a focus on speed and skill, offering viewers a glimpse into the dedication required to excel in ice sports. Miracle shows the hard work and the unity needed to achieve what many considered impossible — a victory against a seemingly unbeatable opponent.

7. Ice Princess (2005)

Combining the grace of figure skating with the competitive spirit found in many sports movies, Ice Princess is about a young girl who discovers her talent for the ice. As she balances her mother's academic expectations with her newfound passion, kids learn about the power of following their dreams and the importance of support from family and friends.

8. The Cutting Edge (1992)

This romantic comedy-drama focuses on a rich and spoiled figure skater who is paired with a blue-collar ex-hockey player for Olympic pairs figure skating. Though not specifically about speed skating, The Cutting Edge includes plenty of ice and competition to satisfy fans of ice sports movies. The film teaches about compromise, teamwork, and the unexpected paths to success.

To discover more family-friendly sports movies, check out a list compiled by sports broadcaster Alex Flanagan, featuring "54 of the Best Sports Movies for the Family." Here, you'll find films spanning from baseball to football to surfing — and everything in between — ensuring that no matter what sport your child is interested in, there's a film to inspire and entertain them.


From the underdog stories to the historical dramas, sports movies offer valuable lessons and riveting entertainment for kids and families alike. Whether it's the icy rink of a speed skating oval or the green field of a football stadium, these movies teach children about perseverance, the importance of practice, and the thrill of competition. So, grab some popcorn, huddle with the family, and get ready to be inspired by these great sports movies for kids!

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