Sliding into Success: Unraveling the Diverse Funding Sources for Curling in the US

January 21, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Sports Fundraising Sources in the US: Diversifying Your Athletic Dreams

For sports teams across the United States, finding reliable sources of funding is as critical to their success as their performance on the field. Whether you're managing a little league team or a competitive curling club, the financial demands can be overwhelming. From equipment to travel expenses, the costs associated with sports can impede athletes from reaching their full potential. However, a variety of fundraising sources are available to ensure that these financial hurdles do not become a roadblock.

Community-Based Fundraising Efforts

Community-driven initiatives are the bedrock of sports fundraising. These include traditional methods like car washes, bake sales, and ticketed events like raffles and dinners. Engaging with the local community not only raises funds but also helps to strengthen the bond between the team and its supporters. It garners local interest in the team's activities and fosters a sense of pride and ownership amongst community members.

Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorships can be a game-changer for sports teams, providing substantial financial support. As detailed on JerseyWatch, many companies are open to sponsoring youth sports in various capacities. From equipment manufacturers to local businesses, corporate sponsors often provide funding, merchandise, or services in exchange for advertising and brand-placement opportunities.

Online Fundraising Platforms

The rise of digital fundraising platforms like FlipGive has revolutionized the way teams approach fundraising. By creating campaigns online, teams can reach a broader audience beyond their local community. These platforms enable teams to receive donations directly and often provide tools and resources to maximize their fundraising efforts.

Government and Foundation Grants

Grants can be an excellent source of funding for sports teams, though they often require a more formal application process. Teams might find opportunities through local government's recreation departments or private foundations dedicated to sports and community development. Although these opportunities may be competitive, they can provide substantial support to those who are prepared to navigate the grant application process.


Selling team merchandise is another popular way to raise funds. Whether it's T-shirts, caps, or scarves, merchandise allows supporters to show their team spirit while contributing financially. This method has the added benefit of promoting the team brand wherever the merchandise is worn.

Sliding into Success: Unraveling the Diverse Funding Sources for Curling in the US

Curling is a sport that has seen a steady increase in popularity, especially following the success of the US teams in international competitions. Despite its niche status, curling clubs across the nation face many of the same financial challenges as other sports. However, curling presents unique opportunities in its appeal to a demographic interested in supporting winter sports.

Many curling clubs have found success through corporate sponsorships, especially from companies with a vested interest in winter activities. Moreover, national and regional curling associations often provide resources to help clubs secure funding. Local curling clubs may also organize bonspiels (curling tournaments) that attract sponsorships and participants, generating significant funding and exposure for the sport.

Grants specific to winter sports can also be a boon for curling clubs. These grants, often provided by sporting goods companies or winter sports advocacy groups, can provide the much-needed financial support for ice maintenance, equipment upgrades, or youth development programs.

Strategic Fundraising for Success

To maximize the potential of these fundraising sources, sports teams and organizations must employ strategic planning. By understanding their supporters and the community's business landscape, they can tailor their approach to suit potential donors and sponsors. Engaging storytelling, transparency in financial goals and usage, and showing gratitude to supporters are essential elements of successful fundraising campaigns.

Fundraising Ethics and Best Practices

It's important to approach fundraising with a sense of ethics and best practices. This means being clear about where the funds are going, offering proper acknowledgment to sponsors and donors, and ensuring that the fundraising activities are honest and legal.


Fundraising is an ongoing challenge for sports teams, but the diversity of sources available means teams can find methods that best suit their needs and goals. By tapping into community support, pursuing corporate sponsorships, leveraging online platforms, applying for grants, and merchandising wisely, teams can secure the necessary funds to thrive in their sporting endeavors. It's all about being proactive, creative, and diligent in the pursuit of financial stability and success.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.