
Cottingham Junior Public School

Elementary School Toronto, ON


of $6,000.00 CAD

Shop Indigo and your purchase will benefit our school! Don't forget to 'double dip' (buy Indigo gift cards online and then use them to pay for your Indigo purchase) in order to maximize the funds earned. We invite you to attend our in-store shopping night at Indigo at the Manulife Centre on Wednesday, November 20 from 6- 9pm. However, please use this site to shop online at any time to earn funds for Cottingham. And feel free to forward to friends and family! Just by shopping at the link, our school will automatically earn money.

Top Earners

Lori Legaspi Moores

Lori Legaspi Moores


Mercedeh Sanati

Mercedeh Sanati


Cathy Park

Cathy Park


Amy Dodds

Amy Dodds


Top Brands



Gives 5%