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Searching for training videos can be tricky, but once you find some that you like, they usually
have more than one video. Here are 5 training videos for different age groups so you can begin
to understand how they build on one another from the Pop Warner level up to the NFL level of
1. Effective Tackling Techniques by MyFootballMentor
This YouTube channel is great for kids because they have all sorts of videos for youth football
drills. The instructors are thorough and show kids performing the drills as they explain what’s
happening. In this particular training video, the instructor broke down a tackle into a few key
steps, why each step is important, and how safety plays a big part in proper technique.
He discusses the components of a proper stance, the actions and mechanics of a proper tackle,
and how to burst through the target with head and arms up to wrap up the opponent and stop
their progress. Pretty good coach, but definitely worth checking out more from this channel.
2. QB Throwing Motion by Derrick Ware
In this video Coach Ware is working on a mechanical problem with his quarterback. First, he
shows the game film of the problem, and describes what he believes to be the issue. Next, he
shows a game film of his player using the proper technique and how much more effective his
passing was the year before, so he is capable of the proper mechanics.
Finally, he showed a video of Drew Brees using the correct mechanics and demonstrating the
correct arm/elbow throwing position, proper foot position, and the proper way to follow through
with the pass. This coach knows how to build confidence with positive reinforcement, and
emphasizing proper technique. He now has his own set of formal training videos for kids.
3. Principles of Power: 40 Yard Dash by overtimeathletes
The coach in this short video discusses the importance of your starting stance for the 40yard
dash, which is probably the most important drill scouts and coaches look at in tryouts and
combines. Here he keeps things very simple and is clearly explaining this drill for kids. His focus
is on a few simple mechanics, which he demonstrates very clearly, starting with the set up of
your stance, to getting off to an explosive start, and finishing with proper breathing techniques
and how to pump your arms correctly through the dash. This is a good introduction to football
training videos for kids looking to start improving their skills in preparation for high school.
4. Velocity NFL Combine Training: Hill Run/Explosive Start Combo by Stack
This practical and technical video really worked. Straight to the point, simple demonstration by
the athletes, and good explanations of the mechanics by the coach. The principles of velocity in
combine training are applying maximum force to the ground as quickly as possible while driving
forward with your arms. An incline forces the athlete to drive the balls of their feet into the
ground to fight gravity and move up the hill. After repeating the drill several times on the hill,
they move back to the track and demonstrate the drill’s effectiveness. This is one of many
football training videos available by Stack.
5. NFL Combine Trainer: 40 Yard Dash by bodybuilding.com
By far this was the most advanced YouTube channel for football training videos. It is very clear
that they are targeting college level athletes looking for an edge to help them at the NFL
Combine, should they be invited.
This one breaks the 40yard dash into eight drills all focusing on the goal of perfecting absolute
speed mechanics, which is a circular motion of the legs, and not a piston motion. These drills
are fast, and very technical, much too advanced for youth football athletes. Great channel for
collegiate athletes, and good for kids to see how far they can go with football training.
Finding the right instructor or channel to subscribe to for your football training videos can be fun
and rewarding. Check these videos out, and find one that is right for you, and your athletic
Miri Elmaleh
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