How To Host An Ice Cream Social

November 13 2017

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

An ice cream social is a really fun and easy way to raise money for your team, cause, or school. This fundraiser is most successful during the summer months, but since ice cream is popular all year round, you can run this fundraiser anytime of year. There are a few reasons why ice cream socials are an amazing fundraising event to put on. 


Ice cream socials are a super easy fundraiser

Ice cream socials don’t cost a lot of money, and the items you need are readily available and non-perishable. You can purchase ice cream from places like Walmart or Costco in giant sizes, saving money during your fundraising event. 


You can customize your fundraiser any way you want

You have a couple options when hosting your fundraising event. You could charge a flat fee for entry into your ice cream fundraiser, or you can charge per scoop. It’s probably better to charge a flat fee, because you want your supporters to be able to mingle. 


You can host these as single big events, or as a monthly event

The great thing about an ice cream social is that its the kind of fundraiser that you can host as a monthly event, or a quarterly event that you do for your cause a few times a year. This is the kind of fundraiser that always garners a great turnout, especially if you host it after school or after a tournament. 


What you’ll need for your fundraiser

You’ll of course need a lot of ice cream for your fundraiser, plus plastic bowls and spoons so that you can serve your supporters. To make your fundraiser even more fun, add some items to top the ice cream, like sprinkles and chocolate sauce. 


Bonus cash back for your fundraiser

Purchase the items for your ice cream social through a FlipGive fundraising campaign and earn up to 10% cash back for your team, cause, or school. 

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.