Getting cash back from online shopping can lead to significant discounts for consumers, or even help raise money for a good cause. A myriad of retailers are now offering shoppers a percentage of the money they spend back in their pockets.
Numerous retailers offer cashback online through FlipGive. Here are just a few who of them, in no particular order:
Walmart offers free 2-day shipping to customers who spend over $35 online through FlipGive. Plus, they give up to 5% back to the customer or the customer’s cause. Walmart is known for its extensive variety and selection of products as well as its low prices. They advertise offering the best selection of electronics, furnishings and décor, entertainment, and baby products, just to name a few. They even offer up to 5% cashback on their clearance items, rollbacks, and value bundles.
Nike will give up to 15% back when shoppers purchase Nike men, boys, women, girls, and NikeID brands. They also offer an online clearance sale where consumers can get up to a 40% discount on some items for a limited time. Nike products, from shoes to backpacks to clothing, are designed for athletes of all ages all around the world.
Under Armour was founded in 1996, but it has grown dramatically since that time, and is now one of the best-known brands for athletic clothing, footwear, and equipment. They are giving back up to 10% of money spent on their Smart Gear, football, running, basketball, baseball, and even some select sale items.
Target is sending up to 2% of purchases back to shoppers’ teams and charities. Well-known for quality and selection, Target departments sold online include baby gear, patio and garden, beauty, home, clothing, accessories, and back to school items, as well as some top deals. They also offer free 2-day shipping with orders over $35, and currently, some great back to school deals.
There is a wide assortment of other retailers offering cashback through FlipGive. Check out the full listing here.