
Fundraising Opportunities in Maine

Many forms of traditional fundraising require getting people together to hold gift auctions, 50/50 raffles, or selling items like candy or magazine subscriptions. In a state like Maine where there could be dozens of miles between family members who live just one town away, fundraising can be a difficult feat...until now! FlipGive provides teams with a free platform to raise money by having family and friends shop at the stores they already use. You'll earn cash on the things you're already buying. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels, activities and more.

Team Fundraising in Maine

Being a parent of a travel baseball, soccer, hockey, or basketball athlete in Maine requires a lot of driving town to town and staying in pricey hotels. It can be a burden on families and teams to afford all the gas, sports equipment and time away from home. Teams will regularly put forth fundraising efforts, but traditional fundraising approaches often come up short of their intended amounts. As the costs for athletes to participate in sports at a high level continues to rise, the need for an effective fundraising method is more important than ever for programs throughout Maine.

FlipGive enables entire families of teams to fundraise everyday while they buy the same things they normally would through our network of hundreds of online and brick and mortar retailers, restaurants, and hotels. The fundraising mission is also easily spread to family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers by simply inviting them to download the FlipGive app and join your team. No longer do teams have to partner with companies selling only candy or candles that nobody really wants, and have to be guilted into buying. Sitting outside of grocery stores for donations is now a thing of the past with FlipGive. Teams and organizations all over the country are having great success with fundraising with FlipGive, your team can too! Check out the list below to see other teams and towns in Maine that are using FlipGive to help accomplish their fundraising goals.


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Start Fundraising with FlipGive Now!

Think you would like to give FlipGive a shot with your youth sports program in Maine? Getting started with the FlipGive platform is free, quick, and easy. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page and fill out a form, or you can schedule a coaching call with one of our FlipGive funding experts who will walk you through set up and answer questions you have along the way.

Maine Towns on FlipGive

63 teams in Maine from 0 different towns are already taking advantage of the new way to fundraise. Want to see who’s active near you? Find your town listed below.