
Fundraising Opportunities in Prince Edward Island

Don't judge Prince Edward Island by its size. The smallest Canadian province is also the most densely populated, meaning you'd be hard pressed to find a rink, field, or pitch that isn't filled with athletes both young and old. With that many athletes taking part in a small province at any given time, raising money to help cover participation costs comes at a premium. FlipGive provides teams with a free platform to raise money by having family and friends shop at the stores they already use. You'll earn cash on the things you're already buying. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels, activities and more.

Fundraising in Prince Edward Island

Anywhere you go on Prince Edward Island, you'll find a child or adult wearing a hockey sweatshirt, hat, or jacket. When you live on PEI, the national sport of Canada is never more than a touch pass away. In additional to the countless recreational, travel, and semi-pro hockey leagues and teams around the province, you'll also find children and adults taking part in basketball, soccer, rugby, baseball, and softball, as well as other clubs and organizations like boating, fishing, dance, and cheer. The rising costs of participating in activities and sports throughout the year makes fundraising an essential part of every one of these teams and organizations. Raising money helps to offset the costs of new uniforms, renting meeting space or practice fields, and travel across Canada or to the United States for events and tournaments. FlipGive's mission is to become the platform that takes the burden out of fundraising, all while helping these groups exceed their financial goals.

When your team uses FlipGive, you receive access to our network of thousands of retailers, brands, restaurants, and hotels. Use the FlipGive app at checkout, and your organization will receive a portion of the purchase as cash back that is donated directly to the team's dashboard. Anyone can use FlipGive to help a team raise money, whether it's the coach purchasing new practice gear or a family member looking to pick up a new jacket from an online retailer. The FlipGive platform is free to use, and takes no fees on the money raised. When the team has reached a financial milestone and needs to access their money, FlipGive quickly cuts a check and pops it in the mail. How's that for efficient fundraising?


Has Been Raised In PE

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$5,630.46 Earned

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$4,250.26 Earned

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$3,893.43 Earned

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$3,073.79 Earned

FlipGive Funds Prince Edward Island Teams







Organizations in PE

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People all over Prince Edward Island already know how great FlipGive is for funding, now you can too! Best of all, FlipGive is always free to use. Still want to learn more? Check out how FlipGive works or book a coaching call with one of our funding experts. Impatient to get started? Get starting on creating your FlipGive team below.

Prince Edward Island Towns on FlipGive

357 teams in Prince Edward Island from 2 different towns are already taking advantage of the new way to fundraise. Want to see who's active near you? Find your town listed below.